An apple diet contributes to rapid weight loss, removal of excess weight and cleansing of the body. This food is rich in potassium, fiber and fruit acids, which are good for human health. Even freshly squeezed apple juice present in the diet helps remove toxins, fats, enriches the body with various vitamins and iodine. By consuming it daily, you will reduce the likelihood of atherosclerosis and hypertension.
What is the apple diet for weight loss
When asked if it is possible to eat apples in the diet, nutritionists give a positive answer. Eating these fruits is necessary not only to lose weight, but also so, especially for those people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Weight loss from apples consists in building a diet with only this fruit or in combination with other low calorie foods.
Diet rules
When buying products for the apple diet, choose the freshest ones, preferably from your garden or purchased from trusted retailers. Do not remove the peel - it contains many useful substances, moreover, helps to better cleanse the intestines of toxins. If there are no contraindications, do not stop at one variety, choose 2-3 types of fruits for maximum saturation of the body with vitamins and trace elements and eat at least 5-6 times a day. And also consult a specialist before you start losing weight.
The benefits of apples
In addition to burning fat, the apple diet promotes gentle bowel cleansing, helps normalize basal metabolism, and fights constipation. Mashed potatoes and fruit juices are especially effective for this. The seeds contain a lot of iodine, eating 6 pieces a day, you will get a daily supply of this element. In addition to iodine, the product contains a sufficient amount of potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus, and the green variety holds the record for vitamin C. Apple fructose is extremely beneficial to health, as it stabilizes blood sugar levels.

Which is better
When choosing a weight loss product, keep in mind the existing contraindications and personal preferences. If you do not have health problems and stomach acidity is normal, do not hesitate to buy fruits of green species. They contain more vitamins, minerals and also make salads extremely tasty. Pink, red varieties (other than green ones) are suitable for a diet, but a combination of different types is the best option.
It is good to ripen yellow fruits. Dried fruits are also used for weight loss, but their energy value is much higher than fresh. Once you have eaten half a kilo of such a product, you will cover the required daily calorie intake and the feeling of hunger will return quickly. You can use dried fruits for weight loss, but in small quantities, to add variety to the menu.
How much weight can you lose
By adhering to an apple diet, it is realistic to lose up to 1. 5 kg per day, due to the fact that they contain only 90 kcal. For those who can not afford a long time just with this product, you can arrange fasting days. For a week, weight loss will be 6-7 kg. If you have chosen a three-day discharge system for yourself, then by adhering to this diet twice a month, you can lose 5-6 kg.
Apple diet for 3 days
For those who want to get rid of 5 kg of excess weight, a diet created for 3 days is suitable. Its menu is very simple:
- The first day - apples and kefir. At each meal (5-6 times), eat 2 fruits with 1 tbsp. kefir with low percentage.
- The second day - tea and apples. Eat fruit as many times as you want (within 2. 5 kg per day) with green tea.
- The third day - honey and apples. For one day, you can eat 1, 5 kg of product in any form (raw, baked) and 3 tbsp. l. honey.

Apple diet for 7 days
The diet is suitable for those who are very fond of these fruits, as they will have to eat only them throughout the week. If it is difficult to cope with such a diet, then starting from the fifth day you can eat 1 piece of rye bread a day. In addition to these products, it is allowed to drink green tea and carbonated mineral water. The seven-day menu looks like this:
- 1 and 7 days: 1 kg product;
- 2, 5 and 6 days: 1. 5 kg each;
- 3 and 4: 2 kg each.
Menu for weight loss
For those who find it difficult to just sit on apples for 7 days, there is another food option with the following menu:
- day 1. Breakfast: grated apples (2 pieces), sprinkled with lemon juice; lunch: salad with 3 fruits, green onions, parsley and 1 egg; Dinner: 3 small fruits.
- 2. In the morning: a small bowl of unsalted rice with 3 fruits; Afternoon: rice salad with apple sauce; in the evening: half the usual serving of unsalted rice.
- day 3. Breakfast: 2 fruits and 100 g of cottage cheese; lunch: a mixture of cottage cheese, 2 teaspoons of honey and apples, cut into strips; dinner: cottage cheese (50 g).
- 4. In the morning: grated 2 carrots and 1 apple; afternoon: apple and carrot salad with 2 tbsp. honey and lemon peel; in the evening: 2 fruits (bake) with 1 tablespoon. honey.
- day 5. Breakfast: boiled and minced 1 carrot and 1 beet; lunch: 1 beet, 1 egg, a serving of oats; dinner: raw grated carrots with sugar (honey).
- 6. The first day menu.
- 7. Diet for the second day.
Diet with baked apples
The baked product acquires a very important property - its acidity is reduced, due to which it is better absorbed by the body. To follow this regimen, gather 1. 5 kg of fruit per day, bake half and eat the rest raw. Sugar should not be consumed, but drinking plenty of water is recommended, but only if you want to get rid of toxins. To remove excess fluid from the body, you should drink water to a minimum.
If this food option is too harsh for you, try a milder regimen: in addition to the baked product, drink 1 liter of low-fat kefir every day, yogurt without additives. In addition to sour milk, it is allowed to eat a salad with green vegetables, drink green, herbal tea, water, freshly squeezed apple juice. Do not add sugar to cooked foods. You can eat this way no more than 7-10 days.

Apple kefir
This type of apple diet can be followed no more than one day a week. Helps not only to lose weight, but also to cleanse the body as a whole. Sometimes such a diet is recommended for women who are able to get rid of the symptoms of toxicosis. In the kefir-apple weight loss system, you should eat 1 apple every 1-2 hours and drink half a glass of kefir with any fat content, in between you are allowed to drink herbal teas, carbonated water.
Apple curd
Such a diet is considered beneficial due to the presence of a fermented milk product in the diet, which saturates the body with protein and calcium. There are two types of cottage cheese diet: three-day and one-week. In the first case, you need to prepare a light cocktail with 150 g of cottage cheese and 1 baked product (beat with a blender), use it three times a day. In addition to drinking, you are allowed to eat a snack with raw apples, drink plenty of water, green tea. Weight loss within 3 days will be 3 kg.
If you decide to lose weight using the cottage cheese-apple method within a week, then you will need 200 g of fermented milk product and 1, 5-2 kg of fruit per day. You can eat them together and separately, but at least 5-6 times a day. Allowed to drink water, tea (herbal, green). For a week with such a diet, it is possible to lose up to 4-5 kg of excess weight, but you can adhere to it no more than once a month.
Over water
This diet should last no more than three days, as it is very strict. Its essence consists in the daily consumption of one and a half kilograms of fruit (half raw, the rest ripe) and 8 glasses of pure mineral water. Apples can be mashed or a salad with lemon juice. For 3 days of mono-diet, you can really lose 3-4 kg of excess body weight.
In green tea
From the name it is already clear that apart from fruit and tea, nothing else can be eaten this way. There are no restrictions on the use of a green drink, but apples should be eaten according to the following scheme: 1 and 7 days - 1 kg each, 2, 5 and 6 - 1, 5 kg, 3 and 4 - 2 kg each. The duration of weight loss lasts seven days, during which the excess weight loss will be up to 8 kilograms. Choose each fruit based on your preferences.

Oats and apples
One of the beneficial ways to lose weight is the apple oat system for weight loss. If you decide to sit on it, reserve a glass and 1, 5 kg of fruit per day. We cook the porridge in water or skim milk, divide it into 5-6 parts, eat it within 24 hours. Eat any amount of apples between meals of oats, with honey or berries. You can stay on such a diet for two weeks, during which the excess weight loss will be up to 10 kg. In addition, oats perfectly cleanse the intestines and have a beneficial effect on health.
Advantages and disadvantages
The most important advantage of the apple weight loss system is its high efficiency in the fight against excess pounds in a short time. Even people with chronic diseases can sit on it without harming their health. In addition, fruits saturate the body with a large amount of vitamins and minerals. The pectin contained in the fruit adds many advantages:
- reduces the caloric content of food;
- improves intestinal microflora;
- absorbs, removes toxins, slag, radionuclides;
- establishes the process of food absorption.
The only drawback of this regimen is the fact that some people do not tolerate eating almost only apples for a few days. In addition, the product tends to stimulate the appetite, as a result of which many are frustrated. Also, a large amount of fruit can cause an unpredictable reaction associated with individual body properties, for example, allergies.
Like any weight loss system, the apple diet has a number of contraindications, which are very important to follow so as not to harm your health. If you decide to lose weight this way, then pay attention to the following points:
- The use of acidic varieties for inflammation of the duodenum is prohibited.
- Sweets should not be eaten by people with gastritis.
- People with problems of the cardiovascular system are advised to eat sugary fruits (not more than 100 g per 1 kg of product).